Easy Peasy Creamy Split Pea Soup is a Nourishing Bowl- Video Included
#splitpeasoup #wintersoup #plantbasedsoups #vegansoups #creamysplitpeasoupvideo There is no easier way to get more beans and legumes in...

Quick and Easy Artichoke Tomato Stew
#artichokes #artichokepastasauce #Italianvegetables Artichoke Tomato Stew works in many dishes This recipe is a great master recipe that...

Cauli Fried Rice with Vegetables
#cauliflowerfriedrice #cajuncaulirice The darling of the carb swap vegetables Cauliflower has made its way into the hearts and stomachs...

Veganuary is a great chance to explore plant-based cooking
As a professional chef taste and flavor were dealbreakers for me if it was not up to my standards.

Hummus Has a Coat Of Many Colors
#hummus #moroccanhummus #veganuary Hummus has been a favorite dip of mine for many years. Recently I have upped my Hummus game by...